
Tulammo UL076240 Rifle 7.62x39mm 122 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) 500 RDS


Product Info for Tulammo UL076240 Rifle 7.62x39mm 122 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) 40 Bx/ 25 Cs
The cartridge 7,62×39 is used for sporting and hunting shooting through bolt-action carbines. The cartridge keeps its qualities under various climatic and weather conditions independent of the season and at the temperature range from -50°? to +50 °. The cartridge case is bottle-shaped with non-projecting flange. The cartridge complies with CIP requirements. B.C. (G1) SP/HP/FMJ = 0.32/0.277/0.303

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Categories: , , Product ID: 5177


Product Info for Tulammo UL076240 Rifle 7.62x39mm 122 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) 40 Bx/ 25 Cs
The cartridge 7,62×39 is used for sporting and hunting shooting through bolt-action carbines. The cartridge keeps its qualities under various climatic and weather conditions independent of the season and at the temperature range from -50°? to +50 °. The cartridge case is bottle-shaped with non-projecting flange. The cartridge complies with CIP requirements. B.C. (G1) SP/HP/FMJ = 0.32/0.277/0.303

Check out more of our supply of TulAmmo Ammo, and TulAmmo 7.62 x39mm Ammo for great savings on high quality ammo!


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