Brief info

Mollis dolor ligula augue, per ipsum nullam nunc ultricies quis risus. Et est tempor nunc. Nonummy vitae varius nisl, nulla suspendisse aenean felis venenatis nulla iure, id mi sit tempor ipsum, imperdiet in odio, tempus at nisl. Feugiat aenean nunc laoreet, praesent volutpat, libero ut ante, id ante ut. Purus non sed litora risus fringilla arcu, purus metus eleifend, id in, lectus lectus dictum nec, non vestibulum duis.

Benelli’s inertia-driven guns have been my semiauto of preference for over two decades, confirming the company’s ability to design and manufacture stylish, handy and durable guns. Secondly, as a game shooter brought up on English side-by-sides, I find most 12-gauge over-andunders (O/U) heavy and over-bulky: not so the light, sleek 828U. Thirdly, being left-handed, a cast-on stock improves my hit rate, and the 828U is unique among O/Us in offering a semiauto- style shim-based cast/ drop adjustment system.